ScienceDaily (Mar. 19, 2012) — The Nutritional Immunology and Molecular Medicine Laboratory (NIMML) research team at Virginia Tech has discovered important new information on the efficacy of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in treating Crohn's disease. CLA is a naturally occurring acid found in meat and dairy products known for its anti-cancer and immune modulatory properties
researchers found that Crohn's patients who took supplementary CLA showed noticeable improvement
CLA affords those afflicted with mild to moderate IBD an effective treatment without the unwanted side effects of many synthetic drugs. "Furthermore, we have demonstrated that probiotic bacteria can produce CLA locally and suppress colitis. Therefore, CLA can be administered directly in capsules or indirectly through CLA-producing probiotic bacteria
پژوهشگران دریافتند بیماران کرونی که مکمل CLA دریافت کردند، بهبود قابل توجه ای نشان دادند.
باکتری پروبیوتیک میتونه بطور موضعی CLA تولید کند و کولیت را فرو نشاند.
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